Refereed Paper
27) Higashihara, A., Nakagawa, K., Futatsubashi, G., Sekiguchi, H., Nagano, Y., and Hirose, N., 2022, Differences in the Recruitment Properties of the Corticospinal Pathway between Biceps Femoris and Rectus Femoris Muscles . Brain Research, 1790:147963. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2022.147963.
26) Obata, H., Kim, GH., Ogawa, T., Sekiguchi, H., and Nakazawa, K., 2022, Effect of long-term classical ballet dance training on postactivation depression of the soleus Hoffmann-reflex. Motor Control, 26(2):pp.169-180.doi: 10.1123/mc.2021-0079.
25) Sekiguchi, H., Yamanaka, K., Takeuchi, S., Futatsubashi, G., Kadota, H., Miyazaki, M., and Nakazawa, K., 2021, Acquisition of novel ball-related skills associated with sports experience. Scientific Reports, 11(1):12379. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-91120-7.
24) Kim, GH., Ogawa, T., Sekiguchi, H., and Nakazawa,K. 2020, Acquisition and maintenance of motor memory through specific motor practice over the long term as revealed by stretch reflex responses in older ballet dancers, Physiological Reports, Jan; 8(2): e14335. doi: 10.14814/phy2.14335.
23) Sasaki, A., Milosevic, M., Sekiguchi, H., and Nakazawa, K. 2018, Evidence for existence of trunk-limb neural interaction in the corticospinal pathway, Neuroscience Letters, 668(6): pp.31-36.
22) Chiba, S., Yagi, T., Ozone, M., Matsumura, M., Sekiguchi, H., Ganeko, M., Uchida, S., and Nishino, S. 2018, High rebound mattress toppers facilitate core body temperature drop and enhance deep sleep in the initial phase of nocturnal sleep, PLoS One, 13(6):e0197521.
21) Miyazaki, M., Kadota, H., Matsuzaki, K.S., Takeuchi, S., Sekiguchi, H., Aoyama, T., and Kochiyama, T., 2016, Dissociating the neural correlates of tactile temporal order and simultaneity judgements. Scientific Reports, 11(6):23323. doi: 10.1038/srep23323.
20) Obata, H., Sekiguchi, H., Ohtsuki, T., and Nakazawa, K., 2014, Posture-related modulation of cortical excitability in the tibialis anterior muscle in humans, Brain Research, 1577:pp.29-35.
19) Kudo, K., Miyazaki, M., Sekiguchi, H., Kadota, H., Fujii, S., Miura, A., Yoshie, M., and Nakata, H., 2011, Neurophysiological and dynamical control principles underlying variable and stereotyped movement patterns during skill acquisition, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 15: pp.942-953.
05) Sekiguchi, H., Nakazawa, K., and Suzuki, S. 2003, Differences in recruitment properties of the corticospinal pathway between lengthening and shortening contractions in humansoleus muscle,
Brain Research, Jul, 977( 2): pp. 169-179.
23) Sasaki, A., Milosevic, M., Sekiguchi, H., and Nakazawa, K. 2018, Evidence for existence of trunk-limb neural interaction in the corticospinal pathway, Neuroscience Letters, 668(6): pp.31-36.
22) Chiba, S., Yagi, T., Ozone, M., Matsumura, M., Sekiguchi, H., Ganeko, M., Uchida, S., and Nishino, S. 2018, High rebound mattress toppers facilitate core body temperature drop and enhance deep sleep in the initial phase of nocturnal sleep, PLoS One, 13(6):e0197521.
21) Miyazaki, M., Kadota, H., Matsuzaki, K.S., Takeuchi, S., Sekiguchi, H., Aoyama, T., and Kochiyama, T., 2016, Dissociating the neural correlates of tactile temporal order and simultaneity judgements. Scientific Reports, 11(6):23323. doi: 10.1038/srep23323.
20) Obata, H., Sekiguchi, H., Ohtsuki, T., and Nakazawa, K., 2014, Posture-related modulation of cortical excitability in the tibialis anterior muscle in humans, Brain Research, 1577:pp.29-35.
19) Kudo, K., Miyazaki, M., Sekiguchi, H., Kadota, H., Fujii, S., Miura, A., Yoshie, M., and Nakata, H., 2011, Neurophysiological and dynamical control principles underlying variable and stereotyped movement patterns during skill acquisition, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 15: pp.942-953.
18) Uematsu, A., Sekiguchi,
H., Kobayashi, H., Hortobágyi, T., and Suzuki, S., 2011, Contraction
history produces task-specific variations in spinal excitability in healthy
human soleus muscle, Muscle & Nerve, 43: pp.851-858.
17) Sekiguchi, H.,
Takeuchi, S., Kadota, H., Kohno, Y., and Nakajima, Y., 2011, TMS-induced
artifacts on EEG can be reduced by rearrangement of the electrode's lead wire
before recording, Clinical Neurophysiology, 122: pp.984-990.
16) Kadota, H., Sekiguchi, H., Takeuchi, S., Miyazaki , M., Kohno, Y., and Nakajima, Y.,
2010, The role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the inhibition of
stereotyped responses. Experimental Brain Research, 203: pp.593-600.
15) Kadota, H., Nakajima, Y.,
Miyazaki, M., Sekiguchi, H., Kohno, Y.,
Amako, M., Arino, H., Nemoto, K., and Sakai, N., 2010, An fMRI study of
musicians with focal dystonia during tapping tasks, Journal of Neurology, 257: pp.1092-1098.
14) 飯田悠佳子、宮崎真、関口浩文、上田有吾、鳥居俊、内田直、2010、前思春期男女児童の日常身体活動の特性と視覚性Go/Nogo課題応答性、発育発達研究、pp.45:
13) Obata, H., Sekiguchi, H., Nakazawa, K., and Ohtsuki, T. 2009,
Enhanced excitability of the corticospinal pathway of the ankle extensor and
flexor muscles during standing in humans, Experimental Brain Research,
197: pp. 207-213.
12) Kadota, H.,
Nakajima,Y., Miyazaki, M., Sekiguchi, H., Kohno, Y., and
Kansaku, K. 2009, Anterior prefrontal cortex activities during the inhibition
of stereotyped responses in a neuropsychological rock-paper-scissors task ,
Neuroscience Letters, Mar, 453( 1): pp. 1-5.
11) Ogawa, T., Kim, G.H., Sekiguchi, H., Akai, M., Suzuki, S., and Nakazawa,
K. 2009, Enhanced stretch reflex excitability of the soleus muscle in
experienced swimmers, European Journal of Applied Physiology, Jan, 105( 2):
pp. 199-205.
10) Akai, M., Usuba, M., Sekiguchi, H., Hong, B., Iwashita, K., and
Shirasaki, Y. 2007, A computer-controlled contracture correction device with
low-load and continuous torque: An animal experiment and prototype design for clinical
use, Prosthetics and Orthotics International, Jun, 31( 2): pp. 121-132.
09) Sekiguchi, H., Kohno, Y.,
Hirano, T., Akai, M., Nakajima, Y., and Nakazawa, K. 2007, Modulation of
corticospinal excitability during lengthening and shortening contractions in
the first dorsal interosseus muscle of humans, Experimental Brain Research,
Apr, 178( 3): pp. 374-384.
08) Nakazawa, K., Miyoshi,
T., Sekiguchi, H., Nozaki, D.,
Akai, M., and Yano, H. 2004, Effects of loading
and unloading of lower limb joints on the soleus H-reflex in standing humans,
Clinical Neurophysiology, Jun, 115( 6): pp. 1296-1304.
07) 三好扶、中澤公孝、関口浩文、野崎大地、赤居正美、矢野英雄、2004、重力関連体性感覚が静止立位時のヒラメ筋H反射に与える影響、運動療法と物理療法、15( 3):
pp. 230-235.
06) Kawashima, N., Sekiguchi, H., Miyoshi, T., Nakazawa, K., and
Akai, M. 2003, Inhibition of the human soleus H-reflex during standing without
descending commands, Neuroscience Letters, Jul, 345( 1): pp. 41-44.
05) Sekiguchi, H., Nakazawa, K., and Suzuki, S. 2003, Differences in recruitment properties of the corticospinal pathway between lengthening and shortening contractions in human
04) Miyoshi, T., Nozaki,
D., Sekiguchi, H., Kimura, T.,
Sato, T., Komeda, T., Nakazawa, K., and Yano, H. 2003, Somatosensory
graviception inhibits soleus H -reflex during erect posture in humans as
revealed by parabolic flight experiment, Experimental Brain Research, May,
150( 1): pp. 109-113.
03) Sekiguchi, H., Nakazawa, K.,
and Akai, M. 2003, Recruitment gain of antagonistic motoneurons is higher
during lengthening contraction than during shortening contraction in man,
Neuroscience Letters, May, 342( 1-2): pp. 69-72.
02) Sekiguchi, H., Kimura, T.,
Yamanaka, K., and Nakazawa, K.2001, Lower excitability of the corticospinal
tract to transcranial magnetic stimulation during lengthening contractions in
human elbow flexors, Neuroscience Letters, Oct, 312( 2): pp. 83-86.
01) 関口浩文、中澤公孝、鈴木秀次、2001、経頭蓋磁気刺激による条件刺激が伸張性筋収縮時のヒラメ筋H反射に及ぼす影響、ヒューマンサイエンス リサーチ、7月、Vol. 10: pp. 275-286.