Review Paper
03) Takeuchi, S., Sekiguchi, H., Matsuzaki, S.K., Miyazaki, M., Probabilistic optimization in the human perceptuo-motor system. 2013, The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 2: 287-294. (Invited Review)
02) Sekiguchi, H., Nakazawa, K., and Hortobágyi, T., Neural control of muscle lengthening: Task- and muscle-specificity. 2013, The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 2: 191-201. (Invited Review)
01) Uematsu, A., Sekiguchi, H., Kobayashi, H., Tsuchiya, K., Hortobágyi, T., and Suzuki, S., 2012, Mechanisms of post-contraction activation in skeletal muscle. The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 1: 513-521. (Invited Review)